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  • Are your Transactions Secure?
  • Can You Separate?
  • Can You Ship Worldwide?
  • Secured Payments

    Secured Payments

    Bank transfers are a
    safe and reliable method of payment.

  • Shipping


    Air Freight, Sea Freight and Ground Freight (sometimes free), 3 day, 2nd day air, Overnight, Early AM, and Weekends.

  • Return & Refunds

    Return & Refunds

    We have a 30-day return policy, which means you have 30 days after receiving your item to request a return.

  • Fraud Protection

    Fraud Protection

    Beware of spam links and calls. Make sure you contact us for any financial transactions.

Frequently asked questions

Icon for delivery_box_1Do You Sell With a Warranty?

All Our Products are sold with a 30-day Moneyback Guarantee.

Icon for coinIs Financing an Option?

YES. Please Contact Our Sales Team for more details.

Icon for speech_bubblesDo You Trade?

YES. Send us a detailed description and clear pictures of what you got.

Icon for groupHow much does it cost to become a member?

Nothing! It is absolutely free to become a member.

Icon for filtersWhat Types of Cookies We Use

We use two types: persistent cookies and
session cookies. A persistent cookie helps us recognize you as a user.
After you sign in, a persistent cookie stays in your browser and will be
read by our site when you return to the site. Session cookies only last
for as long as the session (usually the current visit to a site or a
browser session).

We also have implemented and use Google
Analytics Display Advertising, specifically the Demographics and
Interest Reporting feature to advertise online, sell advertising, and
develop content.

We also may use Adobe Flash, which is
another technology that can provide cookie-equivalent functionality.
Adobe Flash is capable of storing information on your device (in a file
outside of your browser).

Icon for verifiedFraud Protection and Compliance with Law

We may disclose any information, including personally identifiable
information, we deem necessary, in our sole discretion, to comply with
any applicable law, regulation, legal process or governmental request.
We may also exchange information, including personally identifiable
information, with other companies and organizations for credit fraud
protection and risk reduction.

Icon for secureSecurity

We Seek to protect the security of your personal
information both online and offline. All transactions are
secure. Every on-line order is encrypted and sent through a secure
server, using SSL technology to prevent information from being

E-mail is not encrypted and is not a secure means to transmit information.

Icon for truckWhat could cause a shipping delay?

Shipping delay can occur when the wrong address or zip code is
submitted for the shipping address. If the shipping company can not
deliver the package we will contact you via phone or email.

During the holiday season shipping delivery may vary

Icon for delivery_box_1Is there a cost on returns?

No Fees

Icon for help_callI don't see the product that I am looking for online.

For any inquiries regarding products, please contact our info department for information.

Send us a message!

Icon for shopping_bagAre there any items that are not eligible for return?

If the packaging has been opened or damaged, Test equipment, specialty tools can not be accepted for Return.

Clearance merchandise

of motorized transportation, generators and power equipment products
are authorized by the manufacturers of these products. Manufacturer's
Warranty information is included with these items.

Send us a message!

Contact Us Incase of any Further Inquiries


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